The project

The role of medical nutrition therapy is well known in many diseases. In particular, some neurological diseases of children may benefit form a “special diet” which is named “ketogenic diet”.
The aim of this project is to evaluate the impact of ketogenic diet on growth in children that must follow this therapy because they are affected by a rare genetic disease, glucose transporter type I deficiency (GLUT1 deficiency syndrome), or by drug resistant epilepsy.

The ketogenic diet is the first-line and so far the only available treatment for children with GLUT1 deficiency syndrome.
It should be started at birth and, until new therapies will be available, it must be continued all life long. In these children the glucose transporter doesn’t work and the brain cannot receive enough glucose (and so energy) for its correct development and functioning, with consequent onset of intellectual disability and movement disorders.

Ketogenic diet is effective also in drug-resistant epilepsies (in which seizures persist despite antipetileptic medication use), that represent about 20% of all childhood epilepsies.

This treatment is strongly different from healthy and balanced diet recommendations, because it is an high-fat, normo-protein and low-carb diet. It is specifically set in order to increase the production of ketone bodies (which give the name to this special diet), used by the brain as an alternative fuel instead of glucose.

Creating and realizing a special diet for each children requires an important team work, which includes qualified physicians expert in nutrition, neurology and paediatrics, dieticians and nurses (keto-team).
Children and their parent must be educated on which foods can or cannot be consumed and which supplements must be taken daily. It is also essential to evaluate the nutritional status of these children, measuring weight, height and body composition before and after diet initiation.
The correct implementation of this regimen generally does not lead to any adverse effect, but requires regular follow-up visits and examination. The use of this diet in children takes particular attention to avoid interference with growth, an effect of this treatment which has not been studied in depth, yet. A strict auxological monitoring is necessary to identify any eventual growth deflections that could need for further examinations, in order to investigate the presence of a possible reduced secretion of growth hormone, specially in those children who have a genetic disease.

Ensuring an adequate nutritional and growth status consents an improvement in health and quality of life of these children and their families, in particular for those who have to follow KD for many years or life long.

We need your help to realize this project!


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1° GOAL: 12.000 euro

Expenses for specialistic instrumental analysis

2° GOAL: 24.000 euro

Scholarship (1 year) for a young researcher

3° GOAL: 36.000 euro

Extension of the scholarship for the second year


Media Gallery


Donation of 100 euro

1 body composition evaluation or 1 nutritional intake evaluation

Donation of 200 euro

1 group session of nutritional education

Donation of 500 euro

1 individual session of nutritional education or 1 psychological consult

Donation of 1.000 euro

Guided tour of Human Nutrition Centre of University of Pavia

Donation of 2.000 euro

when feasible, acknowledgment in the papers regarding the project


Visualizza CV

Anna Tagliabue

| Founder

Anna Tagliabue

| Founder
Full Professor Human Nutrition and Dietetics, University of Pavia.
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Cinzia Ferraris


Cinzia Ferraris

Coordinator. Post Doctoral Assistant, University of Pavia
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Claudia Trentani

Claudia Trentani

Dietitian, University of Pavia
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Monica Guglielmetti

Monica Guglielmetti

Dietitian, University of Pavia
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Marilde Viale

Marilde Viale

Medical Doctor, specialist in Nutrition, University of Pavia
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Sara Bellodi

Sara Bellodi

Psychologist, University of Pavia
CV completo
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Valentina De Giorgis

Valentina De Giorgis

Medical Doctor, specialist in Child Neurology and Psychiatry, IRCCS Fondazione Mondino
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Costanza Varesio

Costanza Varesio

Medical Doctor resident in Neuropsichiatry, IRCCS Fondazione Mondino
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Ludovica Pasca

Ludovica Pasca

Medical Doctor resident in Neuropsichiatry, IRCCS Fondazione Mondino
Complete CV
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Ilaria Brambilla

Ilaria Brambilla

Medical Doctor, specialist in Pediatrics, IRCCS Fondazione Policlinico San Matteo
Complete CV
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Ottavia Ferraro

Ottavia Ferraro

PhD Student in Psychology, Neuroscience and Data Science, University of Pavia
Complete CV


  2. Massimo Pastore Lorenza Uzzeni
  3. Cicli Brazzo RICCARDI
  4. Evento "Caccia alla uova"
  5. Evento "Cena con delitto" - Viotti
  6. Fisio Air
  7. jama Mason
  8. Associazione Italiana GLU1
  9. Anonymous
  10. Anonymous
  11. Anonymous
  12. Anonymous
  13. Anonymous
  14. Anonymous
  15. Anonymous
  16. Mario Ferraris Laura Valpreda
  17. Anonymous
  18. Stefania Covatta
  19. Anonymous
  20. Anonymous
  21. Anonymous
  22. Anonymous
  23. Anonymous
  24. Anonymous
  25. Anonymous
  26. Anonymous
  27. Anonymous
  28. Anonymous
  29. Anonymous
  30. Anonymous
  31. Anonymous
  32. Anonymous
  33. Anonymous
  34. Corso Applicazione Dieta Chetogenica RICCARDI
  35. Evento Calendari
  36. Evento Aspettando il Natale in Ateneo
  37. Filodrammatica Giovanni Mazzufferi RICCARDI
  38. Anonymous
  39. Evento lotteria RICCARDI
  40. Lara Manea
  41. Adele maria Castino
  42. Marta Pregno
  43. Evento Christmas Charity Party RICCARDI
  44. Anonimo RICCARDI
  45. Anonimo RICCARDI
  46. Anonimo RICCARDI
  47. Anonimo RICCARDI
  48. Anonimo RICCARDI
  49. Anonimo RICCARDI
  50. Evento lotteria RICCARDI
  51. Evento lotteria RICCARDI
  52. Evento "Dipingiamo insieme" RICCARDI
  53. Patrizia Camerini
  54. Patrizia Camerini
  55. Francesca Rampi
  56. Core International School srl RICCARDI
  57. Fabiola Martino (Vendita biglietti lotteria)
  58. Asd Atletica Cento Torri Pavia RICCARDI
  59. Iris Naddei
  60. Roberta Trapani
  61. Eric Yechoua
  62. Martina Fabiola
  63. Evento "Mani in pasta"
  64. Evento Lotteria
  65. Anonymous
  66. Evento Corripavia
  67. Anonymous
  68. Evento Lotteria
  69. Evento Lotteria
  70. Evento Lotteria
  71. Evento Lotteria
  72. Valeria Deon
  73. Evento Gelato Solidale Mil Sabores
  74. Evento Lotteria
  75. Evento Lotteria
  76. Evento Lotteria
  77. Evento Lotteria
  78. Rita Guglielmetti
  79. Anonymous
  80. Anonymous
  81. Evento Lotteria
  82. Anonymous
  83. Anonymous
  84. Daniele e Luigi Camana
  85. Anonymous
  86. Evento "CorriPavia"
  87. Escape Team
  88. Anonymous
  89. Monica Lucente
  90. Renato Sassi
  91. Anna Isabella Squarzina
  92. Bruna Conconi
  93. Anonymous
  94. Maria Chiara Gnocchi
  95. Evento "Bancarella del libro usato"
  96. Parisi Daniela Acquaviva Fernanda
  97. Anonymous
  98. Anonymous
  99. Anonymous
  100. Anonymous
  101. Anonymous
  102. Anonymous
  103. Anonymous
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  • Visita guidata al Centro di Ricerca di Nutrizione Umana

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