The project

Learning disabilities (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia) and, more generally, learning difficulties are significantly related to early school drop-out, depression, anxiety and other socio-emotional difficulties in children. These risks are particularly high in socio-economical disadvantaged children who have less family support and low treatment opportunities. The BE-STudent project aims to prevent early school drop-out by providing disadvantaged students with free evaluations and individualized evidence-based training programs.

Using new generation digital softwares and web applications, Be-Student will be able to support children not only with activities in the lab but also at home. This strategy will maximize training outcomes throughout a constant practice and will also support children’s families.

Children taking part to BE-STudent will have the unique opportunity to learn and experience new learning strategies, thus, being able to overcame their difficulties and increase their level of well-being.

Be-STudent will enable researchers to work successfully with needing children, reducing frustrating experiences and increasing their inner resources. In addition, our project will also lead to original research results on learning process in children from low-income families.





Step 1: 5.000 €

Free evaluation and individualized training program for 8 students including support for their families. Purchase of material for evaluation and training program (in the lab and at home).

Step 2: 10.000 €

Free evaluations and individualized training program for 16 students including support for their families. Purchase of new materials for evaluation and trainings and new generation digital software to offer students home working phases.

Step 3: 15.000 €

Free evaluations and individualized training program for 24 students including support for their families. Purchase of new materials for evaluation and trainings and new generation digital software to offer students home working phases.

Step 4: 20.000 €

Free evaluations and individualized training program for 32 students including support for their families. Purchase of new materials for evaluation and trainings and new generation digital software to offer students home working phases


Stand Up

Studi Medici fisioterapici

Comune di Pavia

Comune di Pavia

Crescendo in Musica Pavia

Crescendo in Musica Pavia

Scuola Crescendo in Musica Pavia

Scuola CrescendoinMusicaPavia – DOC Academy


Ristorante Pizzeria Griglieria


Media Gallery


Donation Activity run by BE-STudent Reward
35 € Taking charge and welcome interview for one child and his/her family Pen with UniPv logo
50 € Single session of evaluation or of intervention Shopper with UniPv logo
150 € Taking charge and complete evaluation of learing for one child Pen with UniPv logo + Shopper with UniPv logo
250 € Taking charge and 5 sessions of interventions for one child 20% discount for medical and physiotherapy treatments in the studies of StandUp – Pavia
600 € BE-Student complete package for one child (taking charge, evaluation and 10 sessions of intervention) Acknowledgments in scientific publications generated within the project + sponsorship


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Paola Palladino

| Founder

Paola Palladino

| Founder
Associate Professor in Cognitive Psychology. University of Pavia, Department of Brain and Behavioral Sciences, Psychology Section. Director of the Psychology of Learning Lab
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Serena Lecce

| Founder

Serena Lecce

| Founder
Associate Professor in Developmental Psychology. University of Pavia, Department of Brain and Behavioral Sciences, Psychology Section. Director of the Psychology of Learning Lab.
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Marta Nola

Marta Nola

Postdoctoral researcher. University of Pavia. Department of Brain and Behavioral Sciences, Psychology Section. Coordinator of the Psychology of Learning Lab. Psychologist expert in learning disabilities and school problems.
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Alessandro Pieri


Alessandro Pieri

Dopo la laurea a Pavia in Psicologia dello Sviluppo e dell’Educazione, Alessandro diventa per alcuni anni operatore in comunità educativa e progetti di promozione delle competenze socio-emotive in ambito scolastico e si forma, sempre a Pavia, come Psicologo Clinico con un Master di II livello sui Disturbi Specifici dell’Apprendimento (DSA) e le difficoltà scolastiche.
Attualmente si occupa di valutazione cognitiva e degli apprendimenti, di percorsi di potenziamento e supporto psicologico per bambini e ragazzi dalla Scuola Primaria all’Università e di formazione rivolta a insegnanti e professionisti di servizi educativi.
Dal 2017 è Docente a contratto di Psicologia Generale presso il Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici dell’Università di Pavia e Docente del Master di II livello in Modelli diagnostici e di intervento per DSA e BES. Nel 2019 Alessandro ha fondato ed è attualmente Presidente dell’Associazione di Promozione Sociale APS Kósmos, che si occupa di benessere psico-fisico e progetti socio-educativi nelle province di Pavia e Savona.


  1. Canova Luciana Maria Angela
  2. Cucchiara Paolo
  3. Alessandra Gatti
  4. Cattaneo Valeria Maria
  5. Concerto di Natale 23/12/2022
  6. Evento Aspettando il Natale in Ateneo 17/12/2022
  7. Evento Halloween 30 ottobre 2022
  8. Rotary Club Pavia Ticinum RICCARDI
  9. Evento BEST-GYM
  10. Evento "Spettacolo Teatrale Famiglia Mirabella"
  11. Edizioni Centro Studi Erickson
  12. ME C AL SRL
  13. Eventi: Le stanze di Milo - Fiabe in musica e Natale in musica
  14. Eventi: Il bambino disattento - Laboratorio DSA e nuove tecnologie - DSA in musica
  15. Eventi: Intelligenze multiple - Spettacolo c’ho le sillabe girate - Laboratorio per bambini Mortina
  16. Anastatis Soc. Coop. Sociale RICCARDI
  17. Carla Montagna Mariuccia Cignoli
  18. Iscrizione Valeria Gatti Davide Guerra
  19. Antonella Berardi
  20. Milena e Giancarlo Oliveri
  21. Lorena De Masi
  22. Michela Giorgia Marengo
  23. Gloria Vimercati
  24. Rosanna Fulco
  25. Paola Bachi
  26. Anonymous
  27. Gruppo Alpini Guarenec-o
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