What is Crowdfunding?
Crowdfunding is funding a project by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via Internet.
Where do projects come from?
UNIVERSITIAMO® is a platform owned by the University of Pavia. Projects come from members of the Academic Community, which guarantees their scientific quality.
Who can support a project on UNIVERSITIAMO®?
Everybody can register for free and donate with credit card via PayPal.
How long does the project last?
Projects are open for donations for a 60 day-period. The possibility to donate expires at on the deadline day at 00.00 (CET).
How do the donations work?
The donation is a simple “pledge” granted with a credit card: the amount will be put on hold until the deadline day and it will be charged only if the project reaches or passes its goal within the deadline date. The “wire transfer” mode does not adopt the “all or nothing” rule, meaning that by choosing this method, the donation will be final, regardless of whether the project achieves the campaign goal.
How can people pay?
The payment method is with credit card via the PayPal or by a wire transfer.
Is there a limit for donations?
The minimum donation is €5, while the maximum donation is €1.600. No limits for wire transfers.
Can benefactors fund several projects at the same time?
Yes, benefactors can fund one project or more.
How do benefactors know if a project will be pursued?
All projects have a dedicated e-mail address. For further information please contact universitiamo@unipv.it
What happens at the end of the project?
If the project reaches or passes the funding goal, the funding will be assigned to the research team. The project will be moved to the “funded projects” areas.
What if a project does not reach its budget goal within the deadline?
The project is replaced by a new one.
What is a reward?
The reward is a symbolic award, such as the exclusive opportunity to take part in an event related to the project. UNIVERSITIAMO® excludes financial reward.
Who is the responsible for conceiving and delivering the rewards?
The research project team comes up with and delivers the rewards. See the dedicated areas “rewards” in the project.
Do benefactors have guarantees?
Yes, see the guarantees section.