The project

Biological invasions by alien species (species transferred by human activities to new biogeographical areas) are one of the main causes of biodiversity loss at global scale and the marine environment is not exempt by this phenomenon.

The globalization process has determined the intensification of commercial traffic, favouring the spread of opportunistic species, able to endure accidental or intentional transport (e.g. fouling on boat hulls, or live food import, respectively). Once established, these species can replace the native ones and impair marine environment.

Ports are important hubs for commercial and touristic maritime traffic, and together with aquaculture sites are considered high-risk areas for alien species introduction.

Besides the management of the vectors of introduction, another important action to contrast bioinvasions is the monitoring of high-risk areas, in order to promptly alert on new arrivals and activate eradication/containment measures to limit further spreading.

This project aims to promote a monitoring programme of marine fouling communities from high-risk sites, using a protocol developed in USA and applied here for the first time in the Mediterranean Sea: it consists in the immersion in the sea of bricks tied to artificial substrates (PVC plates) on which marine organisms can settle and grow.

A first successful preliminary survey was carried out in summer 2018 in the Gulf of La Spezia, creating the basis for the establishment of a possible long-term monitoring programme, conducted forward by biologists with expertise in marine invertebrates. The prosecution of this standardized monitoring over time would allow us to assess possible changes in the marine communities composition, with special attention to alien species.







Goal 1 (5.000 €): purchase of materials: bricks, PVC panels and microscope with camera for field work and lab analysis; sampling missions to apply this method in 3 sites.

Goal 2. (7.500 €): purchase of materials and sampling missions to apply this method in a total of 6 sites.
Goal 3. (10.000 €): missions for national and international congresses
Goal 4. (30.000 €): co-financing of a post-doc grant.


Media Gallery


Donation of 5€

“Universitiamo” merchandise (shopper or t-shirt)

Donation of 10€

five cards of the Mediterranean alien species trading cards

Donation of 20€

Mediterranean alien species trading cards deck (16 cards)

Donation of 30€

five cards + water bottle by "Un mattone contro le specie aliene"

Donation of 50€

water bottle + deck + guided tour of the Aquatic Ecology Laboratory of the University     of Pavia

Donation of 100€

a day with marine biologists: sampling of marine alien species in the Gulf of La Spezia

Donation of 500€

name of the benefactor in the “Acknowledgements” section of the scientific paper published thanks to this crowdfunding campaign




Visualizza CV

Anna Occhipinti

Founder | Founder

Anna Occhipinti

Founder | Founder
Visualizza CV

Agnese Marchini

Senior researcher

Agnese Marchini

Senior researcher
Visualizza CV

Jasmine Ferrario

Junior researcher

Jasmine Ferrario

Junior researcher
Visualizza CV

Marco Tamburini

PhD Student

Marco Tamburini

PhD Student


  1. Mancuso Emilio
  2. Mancuso Emilio
  3. Mancuso Emilio
  5. Il Girasole di Travacò di Ragni Serena
  9. Silvia Paola Assini
  10. Evento "Un Natale plastic free" RICCARDI
  11. Evento Circolo subacqueo pavese
  12. Le specie aliene dell'Adda e del Po - Castelnuovo Bocca d'Adda - RICCARDI
  13. Laura Dello Sbarba
  14. Vascellari Carla Satta Michele
  15. Martina Casolin
  16. Veronica Bandinelli
  17. Evento " Ballando con i fiori" 14 settembre - Orto botanico
  18. Paola Paris
  19. Evento divulgativo 31/7 La Spezia
  20. Dario Savini
  21. serenella cabiddu
  22. paolo raineri
  23. Evento "Mediterraria"
  24. Partecipazione al 50° congresso italiano di biologia marina
  25. Bonferoni Giunchedi
  26. Evento "I segreti degli animali marini" 27 maggio
  27. Evento "Fridays fo FuturePavia" 22 maggio
  28. Evento "Gli alieni tra noi; come è cambiato il Mar Mediterraneo" Casalpusterlengo
  29. Evento all'interno di "Plastic Free"
  30. Istituto Maria Ausiliatrice di Pavia
  31. Alice Cardeccia
  32. Roberto Del Corso
  33. Luisa Guerreschi
  34. Evento "Fra Ticino e Vernavola"
  35. Dr. Paolo Giulio Albano
  36. Evento "I segreti degli animali marini"
  37. Curtiriso S.r.l.
  38. Boldarino S.P.A.
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This Campaign has ended. No more pledges can be made.

  • Shopper o T-shirt Universitiamo

  • Cinque carte collezionabili sulle specie aliene marine Mediterranee

  • Deck completo (mazzo di 16 carte collezionabili)

  • Cinque carte + borraccia "Un mattone contro le specie aliene"

  • Borraccia + deck + visita guidata alle collezioni di specie aliene marine del Laboratorio di Ecologia dell'Università di Pavia

  • Una giornata col biologo marino: partecipazione al campionamento di specie aliene marine nel Golfo di La Spezia

  • Nome del donatore menzionato nei "Ringraziamenti" dell'articolo scientifico originato con questo progetto