Funding Successful. This project reached its goal before 03/07/2017.

The project

The project “touch the science” aims to make available to all, the scientific goods belonging to the cultural heritage of the University of Pavia, which are exhibited by the Museum of Electrical Technology. The latter, part of the University Museum System, exhibits objects with represent the history of the inventors and his inventions in the field of electrical technology. But how to turn the tacit knowledge of such objects in explicit knowledge to be acquired by a larger audience? How to fulfill the needs of diverse and above all curious visitors? Curiosity – the philosopher Michel Foucault (Ethics: Subjectivity and Truth – Essential Works of Foucault, 1954-1984, The New Press 1998: pp. 141-142) wrote – “evokes ‘concern’; it evokes the care one takes for what exists and could exist; a readiness to find strange and singular what surrounds us; a certain relentlessness to break up our familiarities and to regard otherwise the same things; a fervour to grasp what is happening and what passes”.

And then how to feed and satisfy this curiosity as perceived by the child and the adult, by who has developed all five senses and who is not? This is the challenge that the Museum of Electrical Technology intends to address in line with the principle of accessibility, already recognized by the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which reaffirms the importance of the participation of persons with disabilities in cultural life, recreation, and leisure and sports (Art. 30).

We would like to make science available to all, we spread the knowledge of the history of inventors and inventions, from the Volta’s battery to current technological applications that have changed and are profoundly affecting the everyday life.

The Museum of Electrical Technology has already launched a sensory exhibition project, through the creation and implementation of a tactile map, with the aid of LOMBARDY REGION LAW 39/74 YEAR 2016. The map was designed by Prof. Alessandro Greco and Ph.D. Dr. Valentina Giacometti, and built with 3D printing technology by the 3DLab@UNIPV – Virtual Modeling and Additive Manufacturing for Advanced Materials – of the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, coordinated by Prof. Ferdinando Auricchio. Thanks to the valuable support of Nicola Stilla (Regional President of the Italian Union of the Blind and Partially Sighted), it was possible to validate the functionality of that map.

By using the same technique and taking advantage of the collaboration of the Italian Union of the Blind and Partially Sighted, the crowdfunding project aims to realize the entire project of the new sensory exhibition, through the three-dimensional reproduction of the most significant objects of the permanent collection of the Museum (Stator Central Paderno d’Adda, Dinamo Edison, Telegraph, Industrial robot, Tram).

The Museum project will be advantaged by the support of the Dr. Monica Schmid and Mr. Francesco Decortes operating at the Rehabilitation Center of Visual Impairment I.C.S. Maugeri in Pavia, whose experience aimed at solving everyday problems of people with acquired visual impairment, allow a targeted staging and sure effect. Users / patients among the first experience the path so as to become themselves protagonists in the preparatory stages: touching, but also feel, perceive beyond 3D printing.

The crowdfunding will aid the interdisciplinary work team (including researcher in business administration, engineering, and medicine).The latter will enable the Museum to satisfy the curiosity not only of blind or visually sighted adults, but also of the children, fully or partially sighted, with a common sense of curiosity/knowledge. Thus all of them will have the opportunity to “touch” the science, experiencing something new and exciting to the Museum of Electrical Technology.



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Donation € 10

One pencil/pen MTE/Universitiamo

Donation € 30

Two MTE/Universitiamo gadgets (pencil/pen/pen drive etc.)

Donation € 50

Three MTE/Universitiamo gadgets and one free guided visit

Donation € 100

Three MTE/Universitiamo gadgets and one free guided visit, one free scheduled activity (MTE creative lab, MTE event, MTE show)

Donation over € 200

Three MTE/Universitiamo gadgets and one free guided visit, one free scheduled activity (MTE creative lab, MTE event, MTE show), a museum catalogue for free

Donation € 1.000

Free guided visit for business staff, one free scheduled activity (MTE creative lab, MTE event, MTE show) and a museum catalogue for any employee


Visualizza CV

Michela Magliacani

Rettrice collegio Castiglioni-Brugnatelli | Founder

Michela Magliacani

Rettrice collegio Castiglioni-Brugnatelli | Founder

PA in Business Administration, Department of Economics and Management, University of Pavia

Director of the Museum of Electrical Technology and Controller of the System of Pavia University Museums

Master of Castiglioni Brugnatelli College

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Ferdinando Auricchio


Ferdinando Auricchio


Full Professor of Solids and Structural Mechanics, Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Research Associate at IMATI-CNR (Institute for Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies of the National Research Council) of Pavia

Proponent and coordinator of one of the five strategic thematic groups of the

University of Pavia on “3D@UniPV"

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Alessandro Greco


Alessandro Greco


Associate Professor in Building Architecture at the Department of Building Engineering and Territory (DICAr) of the University of Pavia.

Board member for EDiSU (Institution for the Right to University Study in Pavia)

Director of the Golgi 2 College

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Monica Schmid


Monica Schmid


Head of Visual Rehabilitation department of ICS Maugeri of Pavia

Complete CV

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Francesco Pietra


Francesco Pietra


Technical-scientific employee

Curator of the Museum of Electrical Technology

Complete CV
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Valentina Giacometti

Ph.D Dott.

Valentina Giacometti

Ph.D Dott.

Collaborator with the University of Pavia for international didactic projects and for the development of inclusive solutions to improve the accessibility at the building and the urban scale

Complete CV
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Alessio Bertuzzi


Alessio Bertuzzi


Sound Designer

Volunteer Civilian Service - Project "Social Museum" at Eletric Technic Museum Complete CV


  1. Rotary Ticinum Ticinum
  2. "Immagina, coraggio!" Ticinum
  3. AGEN Associazione Genitori Istituto San Giorgio Associazione Genitori Istituto San Giorgio
  4. Evento Facce da Museo 27 Giugno 2017 Ticinum
  5. Genitori Alunni scuola materna San Giorgio Ticinum
  6. Ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Pavia Ticinum
  7. Eclipse SRLS Ticinum
  8. Confindustria Pavia Ticinum
  9. Donazioni Partecipanti Eventi di Beneficienza organizzati da MTE Ticinum
  10. CUS PAVIA Ticinum
  11. Claudia Percivalle
  12. Laboratorio bambini - Il Cuoco Pasticcione Ticinum
  13. Visitatori - Donatori Ticinum
  14. Cristina Muccioli Ticinum
  15. Ricavato Museum Day e Il sabato al Museo Ticinum
  16. Ricavato Visita a MTE di Lions Club Pavia e Certosa di Pavia Ticinum
  17. Ricavato evento presentazione catalogo MTE - 17 marzo 2017 Ticinum
  18. Anna Signori
  19. Marco Bianciardi
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This Campaign has ended. No more pledges can be made.

  • Minimum Donation

  • One pencil/pen MTE/Universitiamo

  • Two MTE/Universitiamo gadgets (pencil/pen/pen drive etc.)

  • Three MTE/Universitiamo gadgets and one free guided visit

  • Three MTE/Universitiamo gadgets and one free guided visit, one free scheduled activity (MTE creative lab, MTE event, MTE show)

  • Three MTE/Universitiamo gadgets and one free guided visit, one free scheduled activity (MTE creative lab, MTE event, MTE show), a museum catalogue for free

  • Free guided visit for business staff, one free scheduled activity (MTE creative lab, MTE event, MTE show) and a museum catalogue for any employee