The project
Nowadays scientists from all over the world are searching for innovative technologies to produce renewable and eco-sustainable energy. The pursuit of new sources and innovative fruition systems become crucial, rather than focusing on the “traditional” ones as solar, the wind energy or the hydroelectric.
the risVolta project, with its technology, is a promoter of one of these alternative energy sources.
What is it about?
The plants electric activity is known since the XVIII century. It was studied from many scientists, among which Alessandro Volta in 1816 and Bose in the years ’30 of last century. Following studies have revealed the technology that permits the production of energy from the plants: it takes the name of Plant-Microbial Fuel Cell (PMFC).
The project risVolta started in May 2016 at the labs of Botanical Garden in Pavia and originated from a visionary challenge: to turn on a LED leveraging the physiological power of the plants only! Therefore, the team started the experimentations with the PMFC technology. This technology exploits biochemical processes based on the degradation of the sugar and its products from the microbial flora present in the soil. The sugar produced by the leaves of the plants, through the Photosynthesis, is transported in the roots releasing it into the soil. The plant purpose in such course is to maintain this microorganisms for its own favorable development. The substances of discard from the microbial flora provoke the release of electric particles into the soil. It is possible to convey the electric particles in a proper electronic board which, by stabilizing the flow, allows to charge the light point. Each of the systems used up to now is able to generate a power of 1-2 MW per second, sufficient to feed different micro LEDs.
The PMFC technology allows to use any type of plant to produce energy, but each species energetically contributes differently. In addition, with the right attention and care, we are theoretically able to generate energy for an unlimited period of time.
In this experimental phase, the energetic and eco-sustainable impact of risVolta can be considered modest. However, the prototypes developed up to now are able to illuminate steadily a series of LEDs, opening next developments for outdoor applications on a wider scale and developing sensor systems.
With the advancement of scientific researches and new technologies, we hope that the PMFCs will have a decisive impact on the future of renewable energies. Perhaps one day it will be possible to sustain the cities lighting purely taking care more of our Parks and Gardens.
The risVolta green philosophy is based on the mutual exchange of favors between man and nature, evaluating the natural resources of our planet (Gaia). Taking in consideration our prototypes, we supply the plants with care and attention in return of oxygen and energy. The risVolta team is also very sensitive about the valorization of the native plant species and considers them fundamental for the quality of the environment, in terms of air and biodiversity, essential also for a city like Pavia.
1° goal: 10.000 €
Data collection, purchase of a multimeter and finalization of prototype development
2° goal 25.000 €
Patent and large-scale prototype development: building an illuminated flowerbed
3° goal 40.000 €
Sensor prototype development and project enhancement through awareness-raising activities on topics such as eco-sustainability, renewable energies and natural heritage care.

(Italiano) life.augmented
World leader in providing the semiconductor solutionsVideo
Media Gallery
10 euro
Keyring gadget
30 euro
Pencil case + keyring
50 euro
Guided tour of Pavia Botanic Garden for 1 person + 1 keyring +1 pencil case
150 euro
Guided tour of Pavia Botanic Garden (from 1 to 15 persons) + 1 keyring each
200 euro
250 euro
Guided tour of Pavia Botanic Garden (from 1 to 15 persons) +1 prototype
500 euro
Official thanks published into risVolta communication channels
1.000 euro
Official thanks published into risVolta communication channels + sponsor space
Silvia Assini
| FounderSilvia Assini
| FounderResearcher in Environmental and Applied Botany at the University of Pavia. Dept. Of Earth and Environment Sciences
Complete CVPiero Malcovati
| FounderPiero Malcovati
| FounderFull Professor Dept. of Electrical, Computer, and Biomedical Engineering
Complete CVMirko Granata
Mirko Granata
Ph.D Ecology-Geobotany. Dept. Of Earth and Environment Sciences
Complete CVRoberto Di Lorenzo
Roberto Di Lorenzo
Ph.D Student, Analog Design Engineer. University of Milan Bicocca
Complete CVDaniel Alexei
Daniel Alexei
Student Master in International Business and Entrepreneurship. Dipt. of Economics & Management
Complete CVBackers
Evento "Lab & Music"
Evento "Orto botanico" del 16/09/2018
Paolo Andrea Assini
Giovanna Panelli Giuliana Peroso
Piero Carpani
Donazioni anonime raccolte durante gli eventi Orti
Graziella Forte
Gabriella Annaratone
Luca Testera Pardi
Festa Roseto Orto Botanico
Evento Venezia Orto botanico
Evento Venezia Orto botanico
Evento Venezia Orto botanico
Mario Marano
Piera Di Marzio