The project
The aim of the project is to find advanced methodologies alternative to animal testing.
We are already working on the optimization of bioreactors for mimicking physiological systems instead of in vitro studies and animal models. These systems consist of inter-connected multi-organ culture chambers and they can be used for different cell lines or tissues, leading to the simulation of physiological barriers, and thus mimicking in vivo conditions.
By using this dynamic system, the bioactivity or toxicity of molecules (drugs, natural products, and nutraceuticals) can be tested. In addition, the adsorption and metabolism of single molecules and complex matrices (food, food supplements) could be evaluated. By mimicking in vivo processes, other pathologic conditions can be studied, like cancer cell adhesion to healthy tissues and metastasis formation in 3D culture models.
Our effors are aimed at investigating the described pathologic and physiologic mechanisms and, at the same time, at the implementation of a reliable in vitro model that will help us to spare unnecessary animal suffering and lives.
Links to our social media:
1° goal: 5.000
Development of dynamic system useful for the study of new molecules potentially bioactive (for example anti-cancer and protective agents against tissue degeneration or bioactive food components) and toxic (drugs or toxic compound present in food). This system could be a good alternative to animal models
2° goal: 15.000
Grant for a young researcher
3° goal: 25.000
Up-grade of the dynamic model system

(Italiano) Westin Palace
Westin Palace Hotel
AIS Lombardia
Associazione Italiana Sommelier
(Italiano) Hotel Siesta
Hotel Siesta
Expert – Mortara
Expert di Mortara
Caffè Teatro di Pavia
Caffè Teatro di Pavia
Misana – Beer & Food
Misana - Beer & Food
Comitato Organizzatore Sagra del Salame d’Oca
Comitato Organizzatore Sagra del Salame d
Azienda Agricola Martilde
Rovescala (PV)
Picchioni Andrea
Padroggi La Piotta
Azienda Agricola Monsupello
Azienda Agricola Pietrotorti
Montelio Wines
Azienda Agricola MontelioVideo
Media Gallery
Charitable contribution 50 €
Personalized unisex shopper with our logo
Charitable contribution 100 €
A personalized USB memory with our logo
Charitable contribution 200 €
A personalized gadget with our logo and a book
Charitable contribution 500 €
A personalized USB memory with our logo and a Smartbox gift (choise between Gourmet and Weelness)
Charitable contribution ≥ 1000€
A personalized USB memory with our logo, acknowledgements in our project scientific publications and shipping of an electronic copy of these publications
Adele Papetti
| FounderAdele Papetti
| FounderRaffaella Colombo
Ricercatore confermatoRaffaella Colombo
Ricercatore confermatoMayra Paolillo
Ricercatore confermatoMayra Paolillo
Ricercatore confermatoFrancesca Braschi
Laureata in FarmaciaFrancesca Braschi
Laureata in FarmaciaVirginia Pucci
Laureata in CTFVirginia Pucci
Laureata in CTFElena Arici
Laureanda in FarmaciaElena Arici
Laureanda in FarmaciaLaura Bugna
Laureanda in CTFLaura Bugna
Laureanda in CTFSimona Franco
Laureanda in CTFSimona Franco
Laureanda in CTFFlavia Gnecchi
Laureanda in FarmaciaFlavia Gnecchi
Laureanda in FarmaciaAlessia Musco
Laureanda in NeurobiologiaAlessia Musco
Laureanda in NeurobiologiaDesireé Portelli
Laureanda in Biotecnologie avanzateDesireé Portelli
Laureanda in Biotecnologie avanzateFrancesca Scopazzo
Laureanda in CTFFrancesca Scopazzo
Laureanda in CTFLucia Ferron
BorsistaLucia Ferron
Alessandra Chiodo
Evento "I Magatlon" 11/05/19
Evento "I Classici dell'Oltrepò Pavese in Cattedra all'Università" del 13/11 RICCARDI
Evento XIX Mostra Mercato dell'Artigianato in Val Cavargna
Evento Beerburger e lotteria
Hotel Siesta Crissmass SRL
Evento Libro Usato
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