Funding Unsuccessful. This project reached the deadline without achieving its funding goal on 02/03/2016.

The project

Ondivaghiamo is a project conceived by researchers of the Department of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering   of the University of Pavia that provides interactive lessons where an instructor explains topics of physic and technology through experiments and the different aspects of everyday experience. The experiments are designed to involve the public in their execution.

The History

The project started in october 2011 at Bergamoscienza, with a lesson covering the main aspects of

mechanical and electromagnetic waves (“Ondivaghiamo” literally meaning “let’s wave wander”). The experiments were designed for students of primary and middle school by the photonics researchers who organized in 2010 the “Laserfest, un’idea brillante”, with the contribution of researchers with expertise in electromagnetic waves and electronics.

The patronage from the municipality of Pavia and the contribution of the Fondazione Banca del Monte di

Lombardia allowed in 2012 the organization of Ondivaghiamo in Santa Maria Gualtieri. From February 2012 the lessons are open to the high school students too, with experiments and approach that target different age groups and schools. Ondivaghiamo is from 2013 at the Museum of Electrical Technology in Pavia.


The researchers have gradually added new experiments, and at present the project hosts two modules for the waves, and new lessons on geometrical optics and energy that have been shaped also according to the

suggestions from teachers or in response to students’ curiosities. The project is self-financed with the contributions of the students who attend to the classes.

Ondivaghiamo organizes lessons open to everyone on several occasions (birthday of the Museum, summer

internships, MEETmeTONIGHT, UniPerTutti, Introduce a Girl to Photonics week).

The future

We are developing a new module that allows to understand the mechanisms that make it possible to generate and hear sounds: in fact we want to implement experiments to show sound propagation and the

effects on the perception of the sound due to echoes and absorptions, explaining ultrasonic bat cries, physical principle of operation of musical instruments, microphones and loudspeakers, paying attention to the technological development of devices for sound generation and sound recording.

But we will not stop here: we dream of a new lesson about colors by 2017 … without anticipating anything more…

Why to give a contribution to Ondivaghiamo?

Because we believe that everyone can learn and that everyone learns better thanks to a direct

experience: in fact our lessons are suitable for everyone, from 8 years and up to the 108 years old.

To try personally, placing questions and making correlations is much better than watching a video on internet!

We will use your contribution to design new experiments, to open new classes at Museum or at the schools.






The funding required is € 30.000, divided as follows:

€ 20.000

to deliver one year scholarship

€ 8.000

to purchase and to maintain the material for the realization of the experiments

€ 2.000

to install the experiments directly in the schools

The project is fully scalable: the greater the amount of money, the bigger the number of experiments and open classes.


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Visualizza CV

Carla Vacchi

Prof. | Founder

Carla Vacchi

Prof. | Founder

Assistant professor, Department of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering

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Marco Pasian


Marco Pasian


Assistant professor, Department of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering

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Luca Tartara


Luca Tartara


Assistant professor, Department of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering. Complete CV

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Mauro Bardone

Mauro Bardone

Technical associate for the Ondivaghiamo project (curricular internship), Department of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering

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Andrea Mariconti

Andrea Mariconti

Technical associate for the Ondivaghiamo project (curricular internship), Department of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering. Complete CV
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Marco Musacci


Marco Musacci


PhD student in Electronics, Computer Science an Electrical Engineering, Department of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering

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Francesco Pietra

Francesco Pietra

Curator of the Electrical Technology Museum, University Museums System

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Roberto Galdi

Roberto Galdi

Technician, Electrical Technology Museum, Department of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering. Complete CV
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Federico Pirzio

Federico Pirzio

Assistant professor, Department of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering

Complete CV


  1. Regala una lezione - Scuola Secondaria Itis Cardano una lezione - Scuola Secondaria Itis Cardano
  2. Regala una lezione -Classe 4 BLS una lezione - Scuola Secondaria Itis Cardano
  3. Regala una lezione - Liceo Maserati Voghera una lezione - Scuola Secondaria Itis Cardano
  4. "Regala una lezione" Scuola primaria Pascoli classi quinte una lezione - Scuola Secondaria Itis Cardano
  5. "Regala una lezione" Liceo Galilei Voghera una lezione - Scuola Secondaria Itis Cardano
  6. Donazione Genitori Casorate Primo una lezione - Scuola Secondaria Itis Cardano
  7. Associazione Genitori di Torre d’Isola Regala una lezione - Scuola primaria C. Angelini di Torre d'Isola classe 4 e 5
  8. Regala una lezione - Scuola Primaria Cava Manara una lezione - Scuola Secondaria Itis Cardano
  9. Regala una lezione - Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado IC Belgioioso una lezione - Scuola Secondaria Itis Cardano
  10. Regala una lezione: classe 4 CLS Itis Cardano Pavia una lezione - Scuola Secondaria Itis Cardano
  11. Regala una lezione - Classi V LS Amaldi Novi Ligure una lezione - Scuola Secondaria Itis Cardano
  12. Scuola Massacra Classe II A una lezione - Scuola Secondaria Itis Cardano
  13. Donazione Liberale pro Ondivaghiamo una lezione - Scuola Secondaria Itis Cardano
  14. A Natale Regala Ondivaghiamo una lezione - Scuola Secondaria Itis Cardano
  15. 3C automazione A. Cesaris Casalpusterlengo una lezione - Scuola Secondaria Itis Cardano
  16. Donazione liberale del 5/12/2015
  17. Daniele SCARPA
  18. Scuola Primaria di Casorate Primo Classi Quinte
  19. Scuola Secondaria di Casorate una lezione - Scuola Secondaria Itis Cardano
  20. Liceo Scientifico Calvino di Noverasco di Opera
  21. Amici del Museo della Tecnica Elettrica una lezione - Scuola Secondaria Itis Cardano
  22. Bruciamonti Alessandro una lezione - Scuola Secondaria Itis Cardano
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